KB331: Upgrading a Moxie network that includes a Script Engine to 7.03


In previous versions of Moxie:

  • Script Engine tasks were created using Script Engine Manager. These tasks were not saved as separate files in the Moxie database; they existed only as an extension of the Script Engine.
  • Player script tasks were created using Player Script Manager. These tasks were saved as separate files in Workspaces and could be opened, edited and saved through Player Script Manager. Because they existed as part of a Workspace, they participated in workspace imports, exports and promotion through Data Manager.

When upgrading a Script Engine from an earlier version of Moxie to 7.03, Script Engine tasks are automatically migrated, so that the management of these tasks is brought in-line with Player script tasks.

After the upgrade:

  • Script Engine Manager and Player Script Manager no longer exist; their functionality is consolidated into Script Manager
  • Script Engine data can be viewed from the Script Engine tab of Script Manager
  • All existing Script Engine tasks are migrated and saved as task files in ||Data|Workspaces|Workspace 1|Draft|Scripting|Tasks|7.03 Migration|<Script Engine Computer Guid>
  • The migrated Script Engine tasks continue to execute, as per their original configuration
  • The migrated tasks are accessible for editing from the Tasks tab in Script Manager
  • Player script tasks remain as they were

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