9 ways to leverage digital signage in government facilities

Whether you are a small town or a large city, the applications for digital signage in government facilities are numerous, and the advantages are significant. You can streamline operations and reduce operating costs by replacing static signs with a network of digital screens and interactive kiosks powered by Omnivex digital signage software. A digital signage network is a cost-effective infrastructure supporting multiple departments and applications.

eBook - Designing for Accessibility

Guidelines and considerations for accessible digital signage design

There’s a lot to think about when it comes to designing accessible digital designs. If part of your design isn’t clear or visible to part of your audience, then why is it there?  It is important to think about how it may look to someone with a disability and how you can make your design more accessible.

Accessibility & Digital Signs - Part 4 Accessible Design

Read our Designing for Accessibility - eBook!

PART 4: Accessible Design

When thinking about accessible design interactive kiosks often come to mind. Interactive kiosks offer designers a lot of options when it comes to accessibility. In the last infographic, we talked about what you should know and consider before setting out to design an accessible solution. In this part, we’ll look at how design can help make your kiosk accessible.

Digital signage enhances guest experience in hotels

6 ways digital signage enhances guest experience in hotels

Digital signage makes perfect sense for hotels because it can inform, entertain, and even perform some services for guests. Today's digital signage solutions are very easy to use and provide crystal clear images your guests will appreciate. Here are several ways digital signage enhances guest experience and general hotel operations:

The Role of Digital Signage in Elevating the Transportation Industry

Throughout 2020, it’s become more important than ever before to have access to accurate information in a timely manner. With our society making rapid fire adjustments regarding how we work, socialize, and live, we’ve all come to rely on real-time, relevant information from trusted resources to guide us. Like many industries, the transportation industry is rapidly evolving to suit our needs and to take advantage of the latest technological advances. Digital signage is one such advancement that is elevating the transportation industry.

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