KB363: How to migrate Moxie's database from SQLite to SQL Server

Note: Before beginning this process, ensure there is no pre-existing Moxie_Database on your SQL Server.

  1. From the computer on which your Moxie Data Server is installed, stop all services starting with "Omnivex".
  2. Launch the Moxie Data Server Connection (MDSC) wizard by running MDSC.exe, located in the Tools folder of the Moxie installation directory (default location C:\Program Files\Omnivex\Moxie).
  3. In the MDSC:


KB357: Cleaning up Moxie 7.05 database of duplicate player entries

Moxie 7.05.7635 fixes a bug that was inadvertently introduced in earlier Moxie 7.05 releases, as a by-product of some of the performance improvements. When Players with metadata assigned are restarted, at the time of reconnection to the Moxie Data Server, the Server is unable to detect the Player Data and Settings folders, causing it create new ones. However, once the Players finish reconnecting, the old folders still exist, so there are now duplicate folders, causing conflicting settings. This conflict results in symptoms such as:

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